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Study on Disruption Management for Customer Time Window Changes in Logistics
【中文摘要】 在物流配送过程中经常发生的对正常物流配送产生干扰和不良影响事件中,有一类干扰是来自于顾客方面的不确定性,表现














【英文摘要】 On the background that frequent disruptions occur in the logistics,there is a kind of disruption,which is

caused by the request changes of customers,such as,new requests by the new customers,requests cancelling,service in

advance/lingeringly,and demand changes,and when they occur,not only the customers disrupted are not serviced according

to the plan,but also the customers in succession to them are affected.In practice,the adjustment plan must be made

quickly to tackle request changes of customers,minimizing increased cost under the premise of the least disruption on

the original plan.As a methodology of handling disruptions in real time,disruption management chiefly settles such kind

of incidents that happens frequently.Based on the concept of disruption management,the recovery model and its algorithm

for customer time window disruption are constructed.The main researches in this paper are as follows:(1)Based on

identifying the customer time window disruption,the deviation measurement is analyzed,and the recovery strategy for the

customer time window disruption is proposed.(2)On the basis of the methods of deviation measurement and recovery

strategy,the recovery model for customer time window disruption is constructed respectively,from setting the single

dummy depot and the multiple dummy depots.This is the core of the paper.(3)According to the characteristic of the model

and the disruption management,the chromosome code based on customer is ameliorated,the genetic algorithm is given,and a

new handling constraint method based on genetic algorithm is designed.(4)The testing experiment is designed,to validate

the recovery model and its algorithm for customer time window disruption.The recovery strategy for the customer time

window disruption is given,to guide to design the other recovery strategy for the VRPTW disruption;By setting the single

dummy depot or the multiple dummy depots,the transition that the jump-offs of vehicles on the way are reposited to the

depot is proposed,making the algorithm for the VRPTW solve the disruption recovery model as before;the customer time

window disruption is analyzed,to help measure the other deviation for VRPTW;A new handling constraint method based on

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