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  [24]Jonathan Passerat?Palmbach,Claude Mazel,David R. C. Hill. TaskLocalRandom: a statistically sound substitute to pseudorandom number generation in parallel java tasks frameworks[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2015,27(13):.

  [25]Da Qi,Huaizhong Zhang,Jun Fan,Simon Perkins,Addolorata Pisconti,Deborah M. Simpson,Conrad Bessant,Simon Hubbard,Andrew R. Jones. The mzqLibrary – An open source Java library supporting the HUPO‐PSI quantitative proteomics standard[J]. Proteomics,2015,15(18):.

  [26]Xiaoyan Zhu,E. James Whitehead,Caitlin Sadowski,Qinbao Song. An analysis of programming language statement frequency in C, C++, and Java source code[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2015,45(11):.

  [27]Roberto R. Expósito,Guillermo L. Taboada,Sabela Ramos,Juan Touri?o,Ramón Doallo. Low‐latency Java communication devices on RDMA‐enabled networks[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2015,27(17):.

  [28]V. Serbanescu,K. Azadbakht,F. Boer,C. Nagarajagowda,B. Nobakht. A design pattern for optimizations in data intensive applications using ABS and JAVA 8[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2016,28(2):.

  [29]E. Tsakalos,J. Christodoulakis,L. Charalambous. The Dose Rate Calculator (DRc) for Luminescence and ESR Dating-a Java Application for Dose Rate and Age Determination[J]. Archaeometry,2016,58(2):.

  [30]Ronald A. Olsson,Todd Williamson. RJ: a Java package providing JR‐like concurrent programming[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(5):.

  java的英文参考文献 2

  [31]Seong‐Won Lee,Soo‐Mook Moon,Seong‐Moo Kim. Flow‐sensitive runtime estimation: an enhanced hot spot detection heuristics for embedded Java just‐in‐ ime compilers[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(6):.

  [32]Davy Landman,Alexander Serebrenik,Eric Bouwers,Jurgen J. Vinju. Empirical analysis of the relationship between CC and SLOC in a large corpus of Java methods and C functions[J]. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc.,2016,28(7):.

  [33]Renaud Pawlak,Martin Monperrus,Nicolas Petitprez,Carlos Noguera,Lionel Seinturier. SPOON : A library for implementing analyses and transformations of Java source code[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(9):.

  [34]Musa Ata?. Open Cezeri Library: A novel java based matrix and computer vision framework[J]. Comput Appl Eng Educ,2016,24(5):.

  [35]A. Omar Portillo‐Dominguez,Philip Perry,Damien Magoni,Miao Wang,John Murphy. TRINI: an adaptive load balancing strategy based on garbage collection for clustered Java systems[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(12):.

  [36]Kim T. Briggs,Baoguo Zhou,Gerhard W. Dueck. Cold object identification in the Java virtual machine[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2017,47(1):.

  [37]S. Jayaraman,B. Jayaraman,D. Lessa. Compact visualization of Java program execution[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2017,47(2):.

  [38]Geoffrey Fox. Java Technologies for Real‐Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES2013)[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2017,29(6):.

  [39]Tórur Biskopst? Str?m,Wolfgang Puffitsch,Martin Schoeberl. Hardware locks for a real‐ ime Java chip multiprocessor[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2017,29(6):.

  [40]Iria Estévez‐Ayres,Pablo Basanta‐Val,Marisol García‐Valls. Composing and schedu ling service‐oriented applications in time‐ riggered distributed real‐ ime Java environments[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2014,26(1):.

  [41]Ortin, Francisco,Conde, Patricia,Fernandez-Lanvin, Daniel,Izquierdo, Raul. The Runtime Performance of invokedynamic: An Evaluation with a Java Library[J]. IEEE Software,2014,31(4):.

  [42]Johnson, Richard A. JAVA DATABASE CONNECTIVITY USING SQLITE: A TUTORIAL[J]. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Information and Management Sciences. Proceedings,2014,18(1):.

  [43]Trent, Rod. SQL Server Gets PHP Support, Java Support on the Way[J]. SQL Server Pro,2014,:.

  [44]Foket, C,De Sutter, B,De Bosschere, K. Pushing Java Type Obfuscation to the Limit[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2014,11(6):.

  [45]Parshall, Jon. Rising Sun, Falling Skies: The Disastrous Java Sea Campaign of World War II[J]. United States Naval Institute. Proceedings,2015,141(1):.

  [46]Brunner, Grant. Java now pollutes your Mac with adware - heres how to uninstall it[J]. ExtremeTech.com,2015,:.

  [47]Bell, Jonathan,Melski, Eric,Dattatreya, Mohan,Kaiser, Gail E. Vroom: Faster Build Processes for Java[J]. IEEE Software,2015,32(2):.

  [48]Chaikalis, T,Chatzigeorgiou, A. Forecasting Java Software Evolution Trends Employing Network Models[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2015,41(6):.

  [49]Lu, Quan,Liu, Gao,Chen, Jing. Integrating PDF interface into Java application[J]. Library Hi Tech,2014,32(3):.

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