学生学英语时一般都以词汇和句型的.积累为主。如果要组织一段话,并表达出一个相对完整的故事情节,这样对学生来说有一定的难度。因此,我们在设计故事内容时要讲究连词成文的技巧,要注意段与段之间的起、承、转、合,句与句之间的衔接和连贯,可以运用先分后总、先总后分、总分总等叙述的方法。而且我们还应该着重使用一些特殊的词和短语来增强表达的连贯性。如表示时间顺序的“First … then … at last”,表示时间段的“in the morning , in the afternoon , in the evening, at night”;表示方位的“on the left”,“on the right”,“in the middle of”;表示因果联系的“because …”“…, so … ”;表示转折关系的“but”等等,这样可以有利于提高学生的语言表达能力、概括能力以及记忆能力。例如在学习句型It is … 和 It has …时我用了一连串的关联词来贯穿故事情节。故事内容是:One morning, a polliwig wake up 。 Then it looks for his mummy 。 It swims swims 。 Then it see a gold fish , “ Mummy ! Mummy!” the polliwig says。 “ No, I’m not your mummy 。 Your mummy has four legs, it is green。” The gold fish says。 Then the polliwig swims swims。 Now in front of it is a tortoise。 “ Mummy ! Mummy!” the polliwig says。 “ No, I’m not your mummy 。 Your mummy has big eyes。” The tortoise says。 Then the polliwig swims swims。 At the afternoon , it see a frog sit on the big leaf, it has four legs and big eyes。, it is green。 “ Oh, mummy! Mummy!” The polliwig says。 At last, the polliwig find out its mummy! 故事呈现后,学生能够根据故事中的关联词morning, then , at the afternoon , at last 等对故事进行复述,学习效果很高,同时学生也能够通过对故事的学习很好地掌握句型It has…和It is…可见巧用关联词、讲究连词成文对故事教学有着非常好的作用。
一方面我们可以引导学生编完整的故事。例如在学习单词: “study, living room, bathroom, bedroom和 kitchen”后,我就有意识地引导学生用这些单词编小故事,故事情节要求简单而有趣并运用所学的句型,在这之前我给学生做了个示范:“A cat likes fish very much。 But ,Where is fish? Is it in the study? No。 Is it in the living room? No。 Is it in the bathroom? No。 Is it in the bedroom? No。 Is it in the kitchen? Yes。 Look, it’s in the kitchen。 Ha ha I eat you 。”在教实践中,惊喜的发现,孩子们能创造出更加动人、有趣的故事。有的孩子能编凶狠的老虎在每个房间找兔子吃的故事。“A tiger likes rabbit very much。 But ,Where is the rabbit? Is it in the study? No。 Is it in the living room? No。 Is it in the bathroom? No。 Is it in the bedroom? No。 Is it in the kitchen? Yes。 Look, it’s in the kitchen。 Ha ha I eat you 。”有的孩子能编出有趣搞笑的漫画式的故事。两个好朋友在捉迷藏,最后在浴室的浴缸里找到了好朋友,既滑稽又有趣。“John is looking for Mike。 But ,Where is Mike? Is he in the study? No。 Is he in the living room? No。 Is he in the kitchen? No。 Is he in the bedroom? No。 Is he in the kitchen? Yes。 Look, He’s in the bathroom。 Ha ha I catch you 。”可见学生的创造力是无穷的需要老师去开发。
另一方面我们还可以在讲故事中设计悬念,让学生把故事补充完整。例如学习完单词fish, hamburger, chicken 后,教师便呈现了故事:A little mouse was hungry。 Then it came out of his hole and walk in to the kitchen。 There is a old man sleeping on the chair。 The mouse climb up the table。 There was fish , chicken , and hamburger on the table。
讲到这里,教师突然停了下来,问学生;What will happen? 引导学生把故事编下去。有的学生说Then the mouse eat all the food, the old man wake up and get the mouse。 有的学生就说:Then the old man wake up , and go to catch the mouse , At last the mouse is dead。 还有许多学生都能讲出意想不到的结果。由此可见,学生有着丰富的想象力和创造力。我们要结合故事教学的渠道来充分发挥学生这些能力。