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  3) 着录参考文献能起索引作用。读者通过着录的参考文献,可方便地检索和查找有关图书资料,以对该论文中的引文有更详尽的了解

  3) Recording references can serve as an index. Readers can easily search and search for relevant book materials through the recorded references, in order to have a more detailed understanding of the citations in the paper

  4) 着录参考文献有利于节省论文篇幅。论文中需要表述的某些内容,凡已有文献所载者不必详述,只在相应之处注明见何文献即可。这不仅精练了语言,节省了篇幅,而且避免了一般性表述和资料堆积,使论文容易达到篇幅短、内容精的要求

  4) Recording references is beneficial for saving paper space. Some of the content that needs to be expressed in the paper does not need to be elaborated on in existing literature. Only indicate where the literature is found in the corresponding section. This not only refines the language and saves space, but also avoids general expressions and data accumulation, making it easy for the paper to meet the requirements of short length and precise content

  5) 着录参考文献有助于科技情报人员进行情报研究和文摘计量学研究。

  5) Recording references can help scientific and technological intelligence personnel conduct intelligence research and bibliometric research.

  3 参考文献的着录原则

  Principles for Recording References

  1) 只着录最必要、最新的文献。着录的文献要精选,仅限于着录作者亲自阅读过并在论文中直接引用的文献,而且,无特殊需要不必罗列众所周知的教科书或某些陈旧史料

  1) Only record the most necessary and up-to-date literature. The recorded literature should be carefully selected, limited to those that the author has personally read and directly cited in the paper, and there is no need to list well-known textbooks or some outdated historical materials without special needs

  2) 只着录公开发表的文献。公开发表是指在国内外公开发行的报刊或正式出版的图书上发表。在供内部交流的刊物上发表的文章和内部使用的资料,尤其是不宜公开的资料,均不能作为参考文献引用

  2) Only record publicly published literature. Public publication refers to publishing in newspapers or officially published books both domestically and internationally. Articles published in publications for internal communication and materials used internally, especially materials that are not suitable for public disclosure, cannot be cited as references

  3) 引用论点必须准确无误,不能断章取义。

  3) Quoting arguments must be accurate and not taken out of context.

  4) 采用规范化的着录格式。关于文后参考文献的着录已有国际标准和国家标准,论文作者和期刊编者都应熟练掌握,严格执行

  4) Adopt standardized recording format. There are international and national standards for the citation of references in the text, and authors and journal editors should be proficient and strictly adhere to them

  5) 参考文献的着录方法。根据GB 7714—87《文后参考文献着录规则》中规定采用“顺序编码制”和“著者?出版年制”两种。其中,顺序编码制为我国科技期刊所普遍采用,所以这里作重点绍。

  5) The citation method of references. According to GB 7714-87 "Rules for Bibliography of References", two methods are adopted: "sequential coding system" and "author publication year system". Among them, the sequential coding system is widely adopted in scientific and technological journals in China, so it is emphasized here.

  4 顺序编码制

  sequence coding system


  The sequential coding system refers to the continuous coding of the references cited by the author in their paper in the order in which they appear in the paper, using Arabic numerals and square brackets. Depending on the specific situation, the numbering is marked as the upper corner or as a component of the sentence, and in the reference list at the end of the paper, each reference is arranged in the order of its appearance in the paper

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  把光标放在引用参考文献的地方,在菜单栏上选“插入|脚注和尾注”,弹出的对话框中选择“尾注”,点击“选项”按钮修改编号格式为阿拉伯数字,位置为“文档结尾”,确定后Word就在光标的地方插入了参考文献的编号,并自动跳到文档尾部相应编号处请你键入参考文献的说明,在这里按参考文献著录表的格式添加相应文献。参考文献标注要求用中括号把编号括起来,以word2007为例,可以在插入尾注时先把光标移至需要插入尾注的地方,然后点击 引用-脚注下面的一个小箭头,在出现的对话框中有个自定义,然后输入中括号及数字,然后点插入,然后自动跳转到本节/本文档末端,此时再输入参考文献内容即可。

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