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  51、WANG Xinguang,TAO Jili,ZHANG Ridong.Fuzzy energy management control for battery/ultra-capacitor hybrid electric vehicles[A]. 第28届中国控制与决策会议论文集(下)[C]. 2019

  52、Liyong Hu,Di Zheng,Feng Qiao,Jianming Zhan,Junhua Chen.Research on Smart Cast for Fish Cage Aquaculture based on image processing[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications(WARTIA 2019)[C]. 2019

  53、Yang,Qingqing,Fan,Shengli,Wang,Lang,Wang,Yigang.Road Detection by RANSAC on Randomly Sampled Patches with Slanted Plane Prior[A]. 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings(ICSP2019)[C]. 2019

  54、Fangming Zhang,Changhuai Lv,Jie Yang,Caiyu Zhang,Guisen Li,Licheng Fu.Path Planning Methods for Auto-Guided Rice-Transplanters[A]. Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IX-Proceedings of 9th IFIP WG 5.14 International Conference,CCTA2019,Part II[C]. 2019

  55、Qiyu Liu,Longjin Lv.Solution for a Space-time Fractional Diffusion Equation[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics(MSAM 2019)[C]. 2019

  56、Jun QIU,Ying-dao LI,Chao HU.PMLSM Position Control Based on Energy Shaping Method[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering(ICESEE 2019)[C]. 2019

  57、Ying-dao LI,Jun QIU,Ling-jian YE.Design of Adaptive Subspace Predictive Controller for Stable Operation[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering(ICESEE 2019)[C]. 2019

  58、Ping Yuan,Yanbin Liu.The Study on the Effect of University Faculties' Job Stress on Organizational Commitment[A]. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 72[C]. 2019

  59、Yanbin Liu,Fanghui Ju,Zhiwei Yu,Chidi Hu.Exploratory Research on the Construction of Entrepreneurial Specialty in Universities-Typical Cases from Ningbo[A]. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 72[C]. 2019

  60、Shaohui Huang,Longhua Ma,Miao Huang,Ming Xu,Hongye Su.Shield Attitude Control based on ANFIS[A]. 第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集[C]. 2019

  61、Zhihuan Zhang,Zhensheng You,Longhua Ma.Control and Stability Analysis of Bipedal Hybrid Robot Model Based on Bionics[A]. 第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集[C]. 2019

  62、Miao Huang,Xin Wang,Longhua Ma,Hongye Su.Nonlinear Adaptive Control using Multiple Models and Immersion & Invariance for a class of non-affine nonlinear systems[A]. 第28届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019)暨纪念中国过程控制会议30周年摘要集[C]. 2019

  63、J.Q.LI,J.L.CHEN,X.Y.LI,X.L.MA.Effects of Al-5Ti-B-2RE on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-10Mg alloy[A]. Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering Materials, Mechatronics and Automation PART2[C]. 2019

  64、Hao Wang,Ruey (Kelvin) Cheu,Der-Horng Lee.A Study of Real Time Security Monitoring of Commercial Vehicles Using a Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model[A]. Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering Materials, Mechatronics and Automation PART2[C]. 2019

  65、Hao Wang,Ruey (Kelvin) Cheu,Der-Horng Lee.RFID Enabled Signal Priority Strategies for Bus Operations[A]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering(ICRTMME 2019 Part 3)[C]. 2019

  66、Wei Liu,Yiqun Weng.Research on Construction of Smart Financial Service System Based on Citizen IC Card[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Social Sciences and Society (ICSSS 2019 V1)[C]. 2019

  67、Haina Sun.(2,1)-Total labelling of trees[A]. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science(ICAMCS 2019 Part3)[C]. 2019

  68、C.Y.Yu,R.J.Cheng,H.Q.Liu.The continuum model considering the drivers' anticipation effect[A]. Abstract of The 2019 International Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering[C]. 2019

  69、Lu Liang-zhi,Sun Jia-ying,Yang Yi-fan,Jiang Ying-bo.A New Solidification Technology Of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash And Its Application In Asphalt Mixture[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Workshop on Materials Engineering and Computer Sciences (IWMECS 2019)[C]. 2019

  70、Yihua Liu,Guangzhou Zhao.Research-driven Practice teaching Reform of Automation Professional of Engineering Colleges[A]. Proceedings of 2019 3rd International Conference on Education,Management,Arts,Economics and Social Science (ICEMAESS 2019)[C]. 2019

  71、Jian-ning Lai,Yi-gang Wang,Sheng-li Fan.A Microscopic Image Sharpness Metric Based on the Local Binary Pattern(LBP)[A]. Proceedings of 2019 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Technology for Manufacturing Growth(METMG 2019)[C]. 2019

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