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  P. 转引,即非直接从原著作中引用,而是转引自他人曾引用的内容,应使用“as cited in…”注明. 如:

  Seidenberg and McClelland’s study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993) provided a glimpse into the world


  Coltheart, M., Curtis, B., Atkins, P., & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route an parallel-distributedprocessing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589-608.

  R. 引用文献图表,需在图表下用Figure/Table(Number)标识,并附Note说明,如:

  (1)文内夹注(在图表下方加 Note. 说明

  Note. From Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices using dynamic modeling. by D,. Ackerman and E.D.Stein, 2019, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 134(8), p.629. (引自期刊)

  Note. From [or the data in column # are from] Thermophysical properties of fluids p.113, by M.J. Assael, 1998, London: Imperial College Press. (引自书籍著作)

  Note. From [or the data in column # are from] International Merchandise Imports, Australia, Jan 2019, Australian Bureau of Satatistics. (来自网络)


  Ackerman, D., & Stein, E.D. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of best management practices using dynamic modeling. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 134(8), 629-639. (来自期刊)

  Assael, M. (1998). Thermophysical properties of fluids. London: Imperial College Press. (来自书籍)

  Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). International Merchandise Imports Australia, January 2019 (No. 5439.0), Retrieved February 18, 2019 from @.nsf/mf/5439.0?OpenDocument

  注:如为自己绘制图表,一般应用“Table # +A brief but clear explanatory title.”(此处为斜体)表示;或Figure#. +Descriptive caption for figure.


  1、直接引用文献部分内容少于40个单词(Quotes less than 40 words),如:

  Rossett (1995) states that needs assessment is conducted “when the instructional technologist is trying to respond to a request for assistance” (p. 184).

  Interviews and observations are frequently used needs assessment tools. Especially, observations are “a very useful tool for finding out what is really happening at work” (Rossett, 1995, p. 191).

  Programmed instruction, initially developed by Sydney Pressey and populated by B. F. Skinner, “presents new instructional content to learners in a controlled sequence” (Chyung, 2019, pp. 24-25).

  Distinct differences are seen between data gathered for male and female subjects in the first study (Beech & Moen, 1994, Figure 2).

  To facilitate the shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning, written materials that accompany distance courses should include concept maps and advance organizers, as demonstrated by the Kawakami method (Kawakami, 1996, Chapter 5).

  注: 直接引用的必须加注页码,除非文献来自电子网络资源。加括号表明所引用部分为文中非作者个人话语或观点,应在引号之外。另外,括号内“(作者,年份,页码)”各单项之间需加逗号“,”(commas)。 最后,注意 “p.” 是用来表示引用来自某一页,而 “pp.” 表示引用某页码范围内的多页。但如果涉及到图表章节等时,所用词figure, chapter, table and equation需在文内夹注中写出。

  2. 直接引用文献内容为40个单词以上的,使用 block quote format,需另起一行,并左右悬挂缩进五个空格,注意句号应置于括号前,不必加引号。如:

  Rossett (1995) points out the importance of examining records and outcomes:

  The examination of extant data is a wonderful needs assessment tool because it is inexpensive. This tool takes the instructional technologist across the organization in search of the natural outcomes of effective and ineffective performance. It involves asking colleagues for the data that automatically flow from their work. The only challenge is to convince colleagues that they ought to release that information to you.

  (p. 192)




  A. 参考文献中英文作者的姓与名。注意应使用姓氏在前,随后为名字的首字母而非全名,如: YES

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