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  Translators should not only know the surface meaning of the original and translators should read through the surface, know what does the original want to express. If a translator does only know surface meaning of the original and translate it literally, his translation would be correspondingly. After target language reader read his translation, they would be confuse and have different feeling between the original and the translation or even have erroneous comprehension.

  Translation is different from reading. When reading, it no matter how much we understand or can be understand or have erroneous comprehension, because level of the readers is limited. Reading is only a feeling of himself. But translation affects others. Instead of the original author, translation is a man retells source language massage to target language. So translators should comprehended the source language message deeply and thoroughly, then retell the meaning of the source language correctly and close to the source language message. If a translator comprehended the source language just a little ambiguously, translation would be different from the source language message. Therefore, comprehension is very important. If translators had false comprehension to the source language message, his translation could be far from the original. This will lead his translation to be unqualified.

  At last, enhance acceptability of translation. From above we know that translation should accord with the expressive way of target language, so that it can be easily accepted by target language readers. Actually, it is not difficult to retain the style of the original. But it is difficult to translate the original accord with target language expressive way. A translator who has abundant experience can surmount obstacle between two language. An excellent translator must have done his best effort on his translation. This is translators' duty. An excellent translator has practiced a lot on how to handle the problems in translation. Excellent translation are acceptable.

  From all above, literal translation is a basic skill of translation. It keeps the form of source language, including construction of sentences, metaphor. Sometimes it should do some necessary change to the original, make the translation accord with the expressive way of target language. So make the translation acceptable. A translation which translated literally is close to the original. But literal translation is not omnipotent. Some sentences should not translate literally, because these sentences contained idioms which are different in source language and target language. Translators should have extensive knowledge. Comprehended source language message correctly and thoroughly, enhance acceptability of translation. If translators

  4 Free Translation[曹6]

  4.1 The Condition of Using Free Translation

  In which situation the translators can not use literal translation? When some sentences that the way of expressive between source language and target language are different, should not use literal translation. If use literal translation, target language readers would have some trouble to understand, then make the translation unacceptable. In this situation, free translation should in use. Free translation expresses the general idea of the original according to the meaning of the original, and does not pay attention to the details. But translation should be fluent and natural.

  There are two examples:

  (11) I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave her ( my wife ) my old age.

  Literal translation: 我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子.

  Free translation: 我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍了.

  (12) Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself.

  Literal translation: 也许Kino会割掉自己的脑袋,把自己毁了.

  Free translation: 也许Kino走了绝路,自己毁了自己.

  From the example (12), the original "cut off his head" means have done something badly, felt into predicament. If a translator translated the original literally, his translating would make target language readers confused, after reading, target language readers would feel unacceptable, so translators should use free translation in the example (11) and 12). Because free translation can tell the true meaning to target language readers.

  Some sentences, if translate literally are also fluent and natural that it seems these sentences should translate literally. But translated these sentences literally could not express the deep meaning of the original. If we use free translation, effect would be better than literal translation. Free translation could express the deep meaning of the original sentences.

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