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As domestic enterprises "going out" strategy of gradually thorough, the international economic and trade cooperation between enterprises is also increasingly close up, based on positive economic development requirements, our country enterprise to get good grades in the international economic and trade for sustainable operation and development, then discusses enterprise internationalization management way has very realistic significance.In order to explore based on the actual situation of Chinese enterprises, this article will select L enterprise as an example, based on the relevant theory of international trade and enterprise internationalization management research results to analyze L enterprise internationalization, by status, the more enterprises realize the internationalization of China will be applied to operation and development of an effective strategy of "going out".The research of this paper is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly explains the background significance of the topic selection and relevant theoretical research of this paper, laying the foundation for the following research.The second part is the concept introduction, mainly on the connotation, form and conditions of Chinese enterprises' international business, so that this paper has the main direction of exploration.The third part is the analysis of the internationalization of Chinese enterprises, mainly taking enterprise L as an example to analyze the specific situation of realizing the internationalization of Chinese enterprises.The fourth part is based on the above analysis, summed up the optimization of Chinese enterprises' international operation specific way.By perfecting the international strategic layout of Chinese enterprises in the international market, it will also be of great help to accelerate the rate of international development of Chinese enterprises.


Key words: Chinese enterprises;Internationalization;Business strategy



1.绪论........................................................................................................................................................................ 4

1.1研究背景.................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2研究意义.................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.3相关研究理论.......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.3.1要素禀赋理论............................................................................................................................ 5

1.3.2绝对优势理论............................................................................................................................ 5

1.3.3技术创新产业升级理论.......................................................................................................... 5

2. 中国企业国际化经营相关概述..................................................................................................................... 6

2.1企业国际化经营的内涵........................................................................................................................ 6

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